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Dear Energy Shareholders,

The COP 26 in Glasgow, UK, 2021 has gained a momentum for the development of clean energy with a consensus of gradually reducing the reliance on using coal for power generation. Despite the devastating impacts of the conflict in Ukraine since early 2022 on the global energy supply system, the world is still committed to achieving Energy Transition strategy toward Net Zero Emission by mid of this century as a matter of must. To meet this unexpected challenges, the global energy community must work extra hard and costly, to go back in track toward achieving the global consensus on decarbonizing all sectors of the economy.

Amidst such global uncertainties and the challenges that occur as a result of the conflict in Europe, MASKEEI is holding its flagship event, the 4th Indonesian Energy Efficiency and Conservation Conference and Exhibition (IEECCE) addressing the Energy Transition, emphasizing on the strategic role of Clean Energy, and particularly the Energy Efficiency efforts on Decarbonization Program toward NZE by mid of this century.

I am particularly pleased to inform you that IEECCE 2023 will be held in tandem with the 11th Indo-EBTKEConex organized by our sister organization the Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (METI) as a National Event “ INDONESIA ENERGY WEEK 2023 ( IECW) supported by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources R.I. which will be held annually to inform the world about the Indonesian efforts and progress in the Energy Transition Program toward Net Zero Emission by 2060 or earlier

This time the event will be held in person (off line) on July 12-13, 2023 at the International Conference and Exhibition Center (ICE) BSD CITY, South Tangerang, We hope to do it thanks to the national efforts in containing the pandemic that has shown that it has been put under control, which would enable the country gradually returning ,with some cautiousness, to normalcy since the beginning of 2023.

As we did in the previous events, we will address the energy efficiency issues in the main sector of the economy, anticipating the acceleration of the national clean energy development that the government is committing to pursue. We will review the progresses of the renewing the national strategic energy policy that will be aligned with the 2060 Net Zero objectives

The conference will discuss the status of Indonesia ambitious plan for decarbonizing the economic processes in the main sectors to support the Low Carbon Development. It will also look into the development of the country’s new capital city, Nusantara, in East Kalimantan. The decision to moving the capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan was considered bold and visionary to bring Indonesian development to the next level. The conference will particularly explore the prospects of applying clean energy technologies and innovation in the new capital project development to make it a real Green and Smart City and Region.

We wish the Conference and the sponsored Exhibition at the 4th IEECCE 2023, a great success as we have seen it before, and I sincerely hope all the participants will experience many fruitful discussions. To all participants in this 3 days Event, we wish your participation in the Event will be fruitful and rewarding, and to the international audience we wish your stay in Indonesia during the event and hopefully beyond, will be memorable. We will be happy and grateful to have you all with us at this great Event.

We look forward to welcoming you all at the 4th IEECCE 2023 under the IECW in a good health and great enthusiasm.

R.M. Soedjono Respati
Chairman of MASKEEI and the IEECCE 2023

The Committee


The Indonesian Energy Conservation and Efficiency Society

MASKEEI is a not-for-profit Civil Society Organization (CSO) advocating and promoting the efficient use of energy in all sectors of the economy, including the Industry, Transportation, Buildings and Household. It deals primarily with the demand side of the energy equation. MASKEEI considers Energy Efficiency efforts and the use of Renewable Energy as the main efforts toward energy conservation for sustainable development, and therefore considers Energy Efficiency as the FIRST ENERGY/FUEL that one’s should consider before using any other sort of energy.

MASKEEI was established in June 2014 in Jakarta, encourages all efforts in using the energy more efficiency to meet the national energy needs without necessarily building up more supply capacity to meet the increasing energy needs for sustainable development. (

MASKEEI Members and activists consist of, Individuals, Companies, Professional Organization and a group of Premier Members among large corporations /organizations championing the energy efficiency and conservation efforts.

MASKEEI is positioning itself as a close partner to the government, and maintaining networking and collaboration with like-minded organizations in Indonesia and internationally.

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