More Than Just Conference & Exhibition!

On the 3rd day the Event will continue with various virtual Side Events. Please click the Registration button below to register yourself on the Side Events.

Bringing policy makers and relevant experts in the field of Sustainable Mobility to discuss the related issues in depth. The summary of the discussions will be used to provide recommendations to the Government and other stakeholders to consider in making better policy and strategy for developing competitive BEV according to the targets set by the Government.

Bringing policy makers and relevant experts in the field of Sustainable Mobility to discuss the related issues in depth. The summary of the discussions will be used to provide recommendations to the Government and other stakeholders to consider in making better policy and strategy for developing competitive BEV according to the targets set by the Government.

Bringing policy makers and relevant experts in the field of Sustainable Mobility to discuss the related issues in depth. The summary of the discussions will be used to provide recommendations to the Government and other stakeholders to consider in making better policy and strategy for developing competitive BEV according to the targets set by the Government.

Bringing policy makers and relevant experts in the field of Sustainable Mobility to discuss the related issues in depth. The summary of the discussions will be used to provide recommendations to the Government and other stakeholders to consider in making better policy and strategy for developing competitive BEV according to the targets set by the Government.

Bringing policy makers and relevant experts in the field of Sustainable Mobility to discuss the related issues in depth. The summary of the discussions will be used to provide recommendations to the Government and other stakeholders to consider in making better policy and strategy for developing competitive BEV according to the targets set by the Government.

Special Session Registration

Join us as we bring together industry leaders, researchers, innovators, and activists who are all committed to promoting a cleaner, greener, and more equitable world.

Register Here!

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